Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Filming Tomorrow

Tomorrow, July 9, will be the first day of production. There are going to be a lot of exterior/night shoots, so the plan is to start with the interior/day scenes to get the hang of working with the equipment before we get to the harder set-ups.

Yesterday I got back to Austin from a (really cool) convention in Minneapolis called CONvergence, and from the airport my mom and I picked up the grant check and equipment. That night the crew came over to do an equipment run through for an exterior/night set up. I haven't done this before, but from now on I'd highly recommend it. It helps the crew get used to working together and with the equipment. In addition, you'll know if the equipment works or not before you get on set.

SO....I think we're ready. But there are a few things that seem to be going against us-

a) locations. Most of them are still up in the air.
b) Most of the crew is made up of kids/teenagers who don't have jobs...so all of the money we have came from fund raising over the past year. The budget I put together to get everything we would need came to about $9,500. We have about $6,000.
c) Related to the money issue, craft services has been a bit of a problem. Just about 20 restaurants have turned us down/have not gotten back to us for food donations...leaving the number of donations from restaurants at 0.

The good news??

a) Just had a major location agree to letting us film there (about an hour ago)
b) Got a grant last week- $1,000 (already went to equipment/insurance)
c) The crew (no matter what ages they are) is incredibly hard-working and talented, and I feel lucky to know/work with them. Most of them have been working on this project for about a year helping with the trailer, pre-production, and fund raising.

The process of making this film so far has been totally different from Pathogen, and in a way I feel like it's gone a lot smoother. However, there's a lot more effort going into the production value of this one, so it sort of feels like my first feature.

I will update this blog throughout the production as often as I can.


Unknown said...

I think you're very talented and hardworking as well Emily. I'm super pumped for the shoot. Thanks for doing everything you've done so far.

Brennan Anderson said...

Cool, productions start on my bday! For locations, you are welcome to film near my house. There are a ton of wooded and forested areas where you can't see any houses. Also, I need to know what you think about the music so that I can write more.

wootini said...

Hi Emily. I'm happy to hear things are going mostly well! Are you looking for any "investors" lol, I'd like to contribute a tiny bit of $$ to your film. Let me know. If you're ever in NY, stop by The Edit Center, it's where I work now. rachel@theeditcenter.comrkwpk

The Mom said...

Ditto to what Danny said. You and your cast and crew are super. You'll do great! Hugs