Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Getting back on track...

I think the reason why I haven't blogged in a couple of days is because I tend to post if something, inconvenient interferes with the filming. So luckily nothing majorly bad has happened recently. There are little snags and miscommunications every once in a while, and I feel like my brain might explode from all of the things I'm learning. So it's a good kind of "brain might explode" feeling.

I remember telling my dad this at 4 AM this morning: "Okay, so my next movie is gonna go like this: Not a lot of locations, but it won't be overly simple. I'm going to find locations to fit the script early on, then have the script changed to make sure it will all make sense. Then the whole movie will be storyboarded and have a shotlist that we will stick to. It'll be great."

That was a problem yesterday- not only did I not have a contract with the first location, but I had already changed the script to fit that location. Even though I like the new location a lot, certain scenes just don't make sense there because of the geography. We actually had to stop filming a scene last night because it felt too awkward.

The past two days of filming have been a little off, if that's the right word for it. So I'm gonna promise something to you, reader of this blog: Today things will get back on track, the way they were when we first started over.

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