Friday, July 11, 2008

Not good

I didn't know what to title this blog, so it's how I feel right now- not good.

The footage from the past two days of filming looks and sounds great. But we can't use it. We lost the location after the second day. It's probably not what you think, though- we didn't break anything, film later than the shooting schedule permitted, disrupt the neighborhood, etc. Technically we did nothing wrong. The owners of the house just decided they didn't want us there after all, and that was that. We were scheduled for three more days of filming there because it is a prominent location, so the only option was to start again.

So on what was supposed to be the third day of production we were location scouting. If it reached 5:30PM and we still didn't have a location, I decided that we'd rearrange my house and film here (don't worry, I cleared it with my parents). However, by mid afternoon I got a phone call from my mom letting me know that there was a great rental property that was open to having us film there- we'd just need to pay the rental fee. I checked it out, and it was great. The owners are nice, we won't be disturbing them by filming late, and it looks perfect.

Tiffany and I rearranged the entire shooting schedule in two hours- something that originally took me about 24 hours to do. Contacted the actors and crew, and we were set for a morning shoot on Saturday.

Sounds a little too good to be true, right? Solving everything in a day and getting right back on schedule the next...

WELL...I got an email from one of the actors at around midnight (about 30 minutes before I started writing this) saying that because we're starting over, they think I should recast their role. And we start filming in less than 10 hours. What do they think I'm supposed to do? I can't keep postpoing the filming- 98% of my crew is under 18, and school starts in August. We've lost three days of filming already, so the shoot has already been extended by 2 days (we were able to combine a day).

I'm majorly bummed, and now waiting for a response from the actor. Hoping for the best...not really anything else I can do right now...


Anonymous said...

Hang in there Emily. Things like this happen... if making movies were easy, everyone would do it. Just keep pushing forward. Can you skip ahead in your schedule and try to figure out this problem and do it as a pick up shot at the tail end of the schedule? Whatever you do, don't give up. Did you get a location contract with the people that decided not to let you film there anymore? It's always good to have a contract to pull out, even if you're shooting somewhere for free, if a dispute comes up.

Emily said...

Didn't get a contract, so that's something I've definitely learned to do in the future. We have one with the new location though...